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Property taxes generally represent one of the most significant expenses for owners and managers of real property. Effectively monitoring the accuracy and fairness of the valuation assessment on an ongoing basis is paramount. In a complex and lengthy appeal system, partnering with experienced, competent and trusted counsel is therefore essential to effectively managing the complex property tax appeal process in Illinois.

Property owners—from small businesses and multi-national corporations to institutional investors, pension funds and REITS—have the ability to challenge the process, and to bring objectivity to the valuation.

To navigate that complicated landscape, it’s critical to partner with attorneys who have been in the forefront of understanding, shaping, defending -- and in some cases, writing -- the law. The seasoned commercial real estate tax attorneys at O’Keefe, Lyons & Hynes have the requisite experience, resources and strategic insights to address complex property tax matters.


Tax assessment appeals

Complex property tax litigation

Property tax planning for businesses

Tax exemption support for not-for profit organizations

Historical landmark tax evaluation, planning, and appeals

Land use incentives